St Johns wort Hypericum perforatum. The flowers are rich with hypericin, a deep red terpine. The flower is most rich in this terpene during the warm summer months. The plant grows wild all over the nation. You see it along the roadsides. We infuse the buds of the flower in grapeseed oil to create a soothing body oil. We use is all over all the time. This infusion is nourishment for the skin. I was taught it is specific for burns, any inflammation, irritation or disgruntled skin cells. National Insitute of Health states “The terpene’s Hypericin and Hyperforin have interesting pharmacological profiles, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antimicrobial activities. In addition, hyperforin stimulates growth and differentiation of keratinocytes, and hypericin is a photosensitizer which can be used for selective treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancer.”1
We know our oils are rich in these terpenes because of the deep red color.